Since the beginning of time, alcoholism, sexual addictions, food addictions, self-centeredness, drug abuse, and destructive habits have all come in various forms. In more recent years, with the rise of prescription medicines, and with the increased toxicity and addictive qualities that prescribed medication has, prescription drug abuse has come to steal away the lives of those we dearly love.
This addiction to prescription pills is no respecter of persons. It latches onto the lives of pastors, councilmen, parents, school children, grandparents, siblings, CEOs, and the list can go on and on. What can start as a prescription for pain management postoperative can quickly turn into a life-long battle against opiate abuse. What begins as a high school student handing a pill to a friend at a party can soon spiral into a deep and dark dependency. The mother who is looking for a bit of relaxation in such a hectic household with the help of prescription suppressors can soon be found overdosing in a hospital ER.
How can such a seemingly insignificant pill become so damaging to the mind, body, and spirit? It comes down to the makeup of medication. Medication does not only work within the body, but it also works deep within the makeup of the brain. The stronger the chemical bond to different sensory receptors, the more harmful the medication is to the person. The total person can soon become ensnared by this altering of the neuro-pathways. The brain can quickly identify a drug as a necessity instead of just a temporary aid. When prescription drugs are abused, the mental structure soon begins to identify this drug as essential as food, water, or sleep. This is when it becomes a dependency and can spiral into a chronic addiction (
Without special monitoring and openness on the part of the patient and forthrightness from the doctor, the most innocent of addictive prescriptions can be detrimental to one’s life. In December of 2022, the CDC reported 105,452 deaths due to overdose in the United States ( These numbers are even more staggering when you also factor in the family and friends of these 105,452 people. Mothers, fathers, children, grandparents, close friends, coworkers, acquaintances; the adverse effects of drug abuse and these deaths reach millions every year.
Despite these statistics, there is hope! New Life USA provides a source of hope in the midst of such a crisis. This program addresses the realities of addiction and accepts anyone who is willing to change this destructive way of living and rewire those neuro pathways away from patterns of addiction to a New Life of freedom.
At New Life USA, they realize that patterns of addiction have impacted every area of one’s life. This means that every area of one’s life must also be broken down, redirected, and built back up. This is no easy task, and New Life understands this. They have structured their facility with a 20 month intensive, residential, bio-psycho-social-spiritual program knowing that it takes extensive time for these pathways to be redirected in the correct way.
To those who are addicted to prescription pills, there is hope. For those who are willing to take the next steps forward, there is hard work ahead, but there is also a blessed hope and freedom to be found. New Life is here to be a resource for all who are ready and willing to invest the necessary time and hard work for a life of freedom and sobriety.
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