+1(417) 254-3007 or +1(775) 422-0161 admin@nlusanv.org


Substance Abuse Recovery Program, Free of Charge

By New Life Definition, addiction is a BIO-PSYCHO-SOCIO-SPIRITUAL problem, and during the 20 months long-term recovery program, New Life team works with program participants through these four components. The New Life belief is that a short-term program brings a brief result, whereas a long-term program brings predominantly life-long results.

New Life offers a recovery program based on Bio-Psycho-Socio-Spiritual components.

Upon completion of the full 20-month program, the Facility Administration provides the graduates with a Certificate of successful completion of the program.

(1) Bio

This base is the first component in the program and focuses on the physical aspect of recovery. If a Client comes to the Facility prior to detox, leaders help the Client various indoor activities on-site including a fitness center and sauna and outdoor activities such as hiking, overnight mountain campouts, hot springs, swimming, fishing, etc. Clients participate in these activities at their own risk. I go through the physical restoration and withdrawal phases. If participants have health issues, the administration considers the options to help with providing finances for the majority of the general health expenses, ranging from uncomplicated to more complex health issues. It gives the Client the opportunity to improve their destroyed health conditions.

The New Life kitchen staff accommodates employees’ dietary restrictions and finds the right dietary pattern that meets individual nutrient needs based on age and existing health conditions if it is needed.

The New Life facilities have indoor activities on-site including a fitness center and sauna and outdoor activities such as hiking, overnight mountain campouts, hot springs, swimming, fishing, rockbuilding, etc.

(2) Psycho

The second component is the most intensive and prolonged. As a consequence of the addiction, a new Client that joins the program has a distorted mind, lacking values, a lack of responsibility, bad habits, and low stamina. That can be changed only in the long-term program. In the beginning, each participant is assisted with any simple step and decision, and during this process, the participant is trained to be a consultant for others on the most basic level. The goal is to make addicted people able to analyze and feel regret and repent about their negative past, so they would not have a need or desire to go back. At the same time, they start to recognize the benefits of an abounding and healthy lifestyle in the future, with correct values and priorities.

Because addicted people are unable to take responsibility for themselves, they are taught to follow a schedule that includes a daily routine and any physical tasks. Throughout the program, clients are encouraged to take responsibility for the following: themselves, others, their training / work , and their existing or future families.

(3) Socio

The third component of the program is responsibility for a family that either the client already has or would like to have in the future. Family relationships are the most difficult to rebuild or, sometimes, impossible to rebuild. The only option individuals have is to show with their actions that they have cut off all ties with their past. The client is taught responsibility and with that new strength, he is able to take part in resolving family issues. New Life believes that short-term programs are not long enough to teach self-responsibilities and good habits for the successful future. Families who have a loved one suffering from substance abuse go through a lot of pain, so New Life individually consults families and clients to build and maintain valuable relationships during and after the recovery process.

Another important relationship is a romantic relationship with a partner, which leads to marriage and family. New graduates are not encouraged to return to relationships with those who are currently in a state of any addiction. New graduates have awakened emotions and they are taught to build their characters, mature and develop, prior to forming any new relationships. New Life supports traditional marriages, and hopes the New Personality will mature and find a partner who is mentally and physically stable to build healthy, strong families.

Program graduates need to build relationships in the outside world, including Christian-based ties. Once an individualgraduates the program, it is recommended that they join a local church to continue to develop Christian values and to build a new, strong faith personality. As new people with new lives, they need to be spiritual characters involved in Christian and social activities focused on supporting and helping other people, from the little things to big charitable projects. New Life encourages them to partake in missionary services, events, and other church or social activities.

Skills Training and Work Responsibilities

The New Life team has certified commercial kitchen managers, licensed contractors and other professionally trained people who have volunteered their time and resources to train the program members. Together with staff, each client is involved in work activities including kitchen and catering, auto mechanical services, construction, agri & farming, produce distribution, office assisting, IT services, housekeeping and cleaning, sales and trade activities, etc. The goal of this process is to teach clients the life skills and trades that are necessary in this society.


Because of the addiction, people lost their families, jobs, reputation and trust. Graduates are taught that in any job they need to gain trust by being obedient, reliable, and trustworthy. As graduates they are taught to have a clear understanding that any unlawful actions will have negative consequences.

The program clients learn how to do community service and give back to the people who surround them daily. They are taught in the program to do acts of kindness and provide good services to the neighborhood people.

Resolving Social and Legal Issues

The New Life Admin team assists clients with receiving legal aid and formalizing legal documents. Many of them have repercussions of old life such as fees, penalties, courts, DUIs, immigration issues, lost and stolen documents and personal information, loans, collections, and other issues. All those issues are resolved so that they may begin their new life from a new page after graduation.

(4) Spiritual

Clients are inspired to form a healthy lifestyle based on basic Biblical values. They begin the process from understanding their role and their place in creation, and that each individual is created by God for a particular purpose. “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why” (Mark Twain).

New Life team of employees and volunteers is made up of dedicated and not indifferent workers who thrive in this ministry. All of them are trained, experienced, and highly qualified individuals who are working in this field for over 25 years.

Clients are accepted into the program regardless of their religion and spiritual beliefs. The spiritual Christian section of the program is not forced onto the clients. Christian activities are part of the daily schedule, but it is the client’s choice to accept the message or not. The Facility offers spiritual meetings with local churches that are interested in helping the substance abuse recovery clients.

Senior-Junior System

One of the distinguishing aspects of the program is the senior-junior system. Every new client arriving for recovery is designated as a “Junior” for a period of up to 2 months and then they become “Seniors”. At this time, a client earns responsibility for a new entrant to the program. Every “Junior” has a personal “Senior” who is their closest helper and friend. The corresponding “senior” and “junior” are stationed in the same quarters, work together, and move throughout the facility territory together.

The “Senior” is fully responsible for their “Junior” 24/7. If a “Junior” commits a major violation of the facility rules and their “Senior” has done nothing to prevent such violation, then, in the event of a decision to suspend the “junior,” the “senior” may also be suspended at the discretion of the Administration. Only the facility Administration has sole authority to assign a “Senior”. A “Junior” is not allowed to change their “Senior” for any reason. During the program, every participant is a Junior once and a Senior 10-15 times, which involves the senior in a continuous process of helping others. The client’s level of responsibility is cultivated through this unique system.

Another aspect of the program is the tasks that are given to the clients. A Senior needs to show quality performance within the given time frames and be able to teach others to perform the job well. By teaching others and finding new problem-solving methods, the Senior learns as well.


The New Life Methodology was formulated throughout many years and has a success rate of 50%, which is an exceptionally high rate between substance abuse recovery programs. Inspired by New Life’s success, hundreds of similar programs were founded across the globe.

Over 5,000 individuals have successfully finished the recovery program and are living proof that the methodology has obvious success. Hundreds of new families have been created and ex-addicts are enjoying new lives with the new generations of their children and grandchildren. As a result, more individuals were offered a chance to change their lives. New Life believes that no one is hopeless and everyone can have a chance for a new life.